
Issuing infrastructure for businesses with complex payment needs
Developers use Slash's APIs to programmatically issue virtual cards, set dynamic spend controls, access enhanced transaction data, and build highly customizable internal reconciliation tools while earning 2%+ cash back.

Why Slash

For businesses with an API-first
approach to banking and spending

Real time webhooks

Get notified every time there is a new authorization, settlement, decline, reversal, refund, incoming/outgoing ACH or wire into your account.

Access enhanced L2/3 data and raw network logs

We make raw, network-level transaction payloads available to you. Access 300+ fields per cleared transaction, query for decline reasons, card verification requests, and more.

Closest to the metal = highest cash back

We process directly with Visa. Earn best-in-class rebates on your spend by working with a platform that doesn't rev-share with BaaS platforms or expensive issuer processors.

Create, pause, and close cards via API

Everything you can do via our dashboard you can do programmatically.

Set dynamic spend controls

Programmatically add per transaction, utilization, merchant, and merchant category restrictions on cards or groups of cards.

Inject metadata into each transaction record

Automate reconciliation by appending matching metadata to transaction records as purchases are authorized.

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